Difference between CCJS Electives and Criminal Justice and/or Social Science Electives
What is the difference between CCJS electives and criminal justice and/or social science electives?
CCJS electives are CCJS courses that are not taken to meet the major core requirements. If you see a CCJS course that is not listed as a major core requirement course, that course is considered a CCJS elective course. For example, CCJS 399 (Lecture Series) is a CCJS course but it is not listed as a major core requirement course. CCJS 399 is therefore considered a CCJS elective course. CCJS majors must complete 8 units of CCJS electives.
Criminal justice and/or social science electives refer to either CCJS courses that are not taken to meet the major core requirements or upper division GE in social sciences (i.e. ANTH, GEP, GLBL, HIST, POLS, PSY, SOCI, and WGS). For example, either CCJS 399 (Lecture Series) or SOCI 326 (Social Psychology) may be taken to meet this requirement. Note that courses taken to meet this requirement must be selected in consultation with assigned CCJS faculty advisor. Criminal Justice (CJ) or Administration of Justice (AJ) units from other institutions may also be applied to this requirement, except Life Experience and Criminal Investigation courses. CCJS majors must complete 12 units of criminal justice and/or social science electives.