Waiver of Degree Requirements
I'm a graduating CCJS major with a full 18-unit course load this semester. My Academic Requirements Report shows that I still need 1 unit in GE Area C. I don't want to postpone my graduation and return next semester just to take a 1-unit class. What should I do?
There are two options here:
- Students can petition for waiver of university regulations (e.g. in this situation, the completion of 12 units in GE Area C). They will need to (1) fill out a General Petition for Waiver of University Regulations, which requires justification and supporting documentation for your request for waiver of the specific degree requirement, and (2) meet with their assigned CCJS faculty advisor, who will sign form and decide whether to recommend approval or denial of the petition. The CCJS faculty advisor will forward the signed form to the department staff for processing. Once the Registrar’s Office has reviewed and approved the petition, the Academic Requirements Report (ARR) will be updated to show that the remaining degree requirement has been satisfied. Note that approval of the petition is discretionary. Students have the burden of providing sufficient justification for waiver of university regulations.
- Students can also petition to take additional units in the same semester.